这以后的每一章都会提到赚钱的秘诀,遵循它的指引,已 产生出成百上千的巨富,赚进了无数的钱财。许久以来,这些 富商巨贾一直是我详尽分析的对象。In every chapter of this book,mention has been made of the money-making secret which
has made fortunes for hundreds of exceedingly wealthy men whom I have carefully
analyzed over a long period of years.
50 多年前,卡内基先生最先让我注意到这个致富秘诀。 当时我还只不过是个男孩子,这位精明干练而慈祥的苏格兰老 人,却满不在乎地把这个诀窍抛入我脑海,然后就背靠着座 椅,眼中闪烁着快乐的光芒,留神地看我到底有没有足够的智 力去领会他所有的含意。
The secret was brought to my attention by Andrew Carnegie, more than half a century
ago. The canny, lovable old Scotsman carelessly tossed it into my mind, when I was but a
boy. Then be sat back in his chair, with a merry twinkle in his eyes, and watched
carefully to see if I had brains enough to understand the full significance of what he had
said to me.