Avtech Institute of Technology AVTECH was founded in 1998. Our mission is to deliver training to clients, which include Corporations, Department of Labor as well as individuals. As a PMI authorize training institute, a member of CompTia authorized education Center. AVTECH is a certified (MBE) Minority Business Enterprise registered with the NJ Commerce and Economic Growth Commission. AVTECH Technologies is proud to be a leader in top-quality training in New Jersey. We provide exceptional instructor led hands-on training; we have multiple locations through out the state. We strive to stay ahead in a fast and ever-changing industry by constantly evolving with new solutions and strategies. Avtech Institute of Technology (South Plainfield) is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology (ACCSCT). The ACCSCT is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency. We now offer Licensed Practical Nurse Programs (LPN) in New Jersey (NJ) which based on the National League of Nursing Exellence Model. Contact us now. 美国艾威学院介绍 美国艾威学院,于1998年在美国新泽西州经政府注册成立。美国东部(尤其是新泽西州) 的名牌职业成人技术学院,经新泽西州政府注册,并经三州(新泽西、纽约、宾夕法尼亚)教育局、州劳工部及美国移民局认可,有资格承接各级政府或各类公司委托培训项目,有资格颁发I-20入学录取证明,接受F-1,M-1类签证的国际学生,推荐或委办H-1B技术移民。学院以“品牌管理、连锁发展”的经营理念在新泽西(四个)、纽约(一个)、中国(一个)先后开设了六个分支机构。 主要从事资讯职业教育,IT技能培训及产业相关项目的研发制作、客户服务、技术支持、人才培训、软件企业经营管理CMM等级认证和培训等。其中资讯相关项目包括企业内部系统网络整体或部份设计、安装、调试和维护;互联网各类动态网站系统或专用平台应用软件的研发制作、硬件安装调试和日常维护、各类网站系统或应用平台托管服务、网站本身行销推广策划及配套服务;电脑相关软件、硬件和联网相关咨询服务及提供整体解决方案。目前业务范围已遍及美国东岸各州,服务对象包括州政府、各类企业及网上购物或批发公司、大型媒体、人才中介机构、旅游宾馆、法律财务等。 学院开设课程超过40门,学习培训内容涵盖资讯产业及使用资讯技术的医学、 生物、财会等相关行业所有高、中、低级知识和技能,兼有资讯产业证书与非证书培训。学院拥有经验丰富的管理梯队和高效实用的管理软件,正牌教学材料和软件、持证资深教授和讲师、名牌顶级的硬件设施、完整配套的就业咨询服务。
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AVTECH was founded in 1998. Our mission is to deliver training to clients, which include Corporations, Department of Labor as well as individuals. As a PMI authorize training institute, a member of CompTia authorized education Center. AVTECH is a certified (MBE) Minority Business Enterprise registered with the NJ Commerce and Economic Growth Commission. AVTECH Technologies is proud to be a leader in top-quality training in New Jersey. We provide exceptional instructor led hands-on training; we have multiple locations through out the state. We strive to stay ahead in a fast and ever-changing industry by constantly evolving with new solutions and strategies.
Avtech Institute of Technology (South Plainfield) is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology (ACCSCT). The ACCSCT is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency. We now offer Licensed Practical Nurse Programs (LPN) in New Jersey (NJ) which based on the National League of Nursing Exellence Model. Contact us now.
美国艾威学院,于1998年在美国新泽西州经政府注册成立。美国东部(尤其是新泽西州) 的名牌职业成人技术学院,经新泽西州政府注册,并经三州(新泽西、纽约、宾夕法尼亚)教育局、州劳工部及美国移民局认可,有资格承接各级政府或各类公司委托培训项目,有资格颁发I-20入学录取证明,接受F-1,M-1类签证的国际学生,推荐或委办H-1B技术移民。学院以“
学院开设课程超过40门,学习培训内容涵盖资讯产业及使用资讯技术的医学、 生物、财会等相关行业所有高、中、低级知识和技能,兼有资讯产业证书与非证书培训。学院拥有经验丰富的管理梯队和高效实用的管理软件,正牌教学材料和软件、持证资深教授和讲师、名牌顶级的硬件设施、完整配套的就业咨询服务。